Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
One neat thing about using NFT contracts to base channels around: Zorbs and Launchcaster are two of the most followed channels and didn’t require anyone to follow them (the users had previously minted the NFT). https://warpcast.com/dwr/0x7ba9e1
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ildi pfp
Is it possible to associate more than 1 NFT contract to a single channel? For example: a user can hold a Farcaster Alpaca or Capybara NFT in order to unlock a new FC protocol channel?
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KMac🎩🍌 pfp
Unlocking is not in the protocol. Anyone at anytime can post to any channel or create their own channel w/o nfts. A cast may only be in one channel ie have a parentUrl
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Possibly in the future with 6551. An NFT that owns other NFTs…
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