vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
This cast had 32 likes, but resulted in a single new upvote for the feature request (and all this needed was login with google/twitter/github). Which leads me to believe that most of these likes are bots or users trying to farm followers. Not a good sign.
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ildi pfp
I hope this isn’t surprising. Spam has been an issue for months. It says I have 32.3k followers but when I cast, if you look at the reactions + replies that I get, it’s clear that we have a big problem. How many of the total 300k FC users are here to contribute in a meaningful way?
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vrypan |--o--| pfp
vrypan |--o--|
You have to take into account the 1:10:100 rule (1 writes, 10 comment, 100 read). I had friends who would tell me they have a twitter account to read, but never tweeted. But you're right, we do have a problem.
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