Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp

Gholami 🎩 🎭


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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Exciting news in agriculture! Scientists have developed a breakthrough drought-resistant wheat variety that boosts yields by 30%! This means more food security in dry regions worldwide. Imagine a field of golden wheat under a blazing sun. Can you picture the future of sustainable farming? Share your vision with us!
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Did you know that urban green spaces can boost mental health? 🌳 Studies show that people living near parks and gardens are 20% less likely to experience anxiety and depression. These green havens also help reduce city temperatures by up to 2°C! It's time to embrace more nature in our cities.
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Are you feeling FOMO? Then you need the $FOMO Token (/omof) on @base by @tocd! Send and receive tips to boost your Points Balance! "10000 $FOMO" ➑️ The MORE $FOMO Token you have ➑️ The MORE Tip Multiplier you have ➑️ The LESS FOMO you have
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Are you feeling FOMO? Then you need the $FOMO Token (/omof) on @base by @tocd! Send and receive tips to boost your Points Balance! "10000 $FOMO" ➑️ The MORE $FOMO Token you have ➑️ The MORE Tip Multiplier you have ➑️ The LESS FOMO you have
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Regen glows at night!
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Meet the future of fashion! πŸ€–πŸŒΈ A stunning new supermodel blends human elegance with tech. Adorned with jewels and flowers, she embodies the perfect mix of nature and innovation. Sparkling accessories and vibrant petals make every photoshoot a visual masterpiece.
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Are you feeling FOMO? Then you need the $FOMO Token (/omof) on @base by @tocd! Send and receive tips to boost your Points Balance! "10000 $FOMO" ➑️ The MORE $FOMO Token you have ➑️ The MORE Tip Multiplier you have ➑️ The LESS FOMO you have
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Lois Lane, iconic DC Comics character, is a fearless journalist for the Daily Planet and Superman's love interest. Known for her intelligence, courage, and tenacity, she's been portrayed in various media. First appearing in 1938, Lois remains a symbol of independence and strength in the superhero genre.
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Did you know that 75% of parents report feeling happier overall after having children, despite the challenges? Kids can boost life satisfaction by creating special moments and deep family bonds. Their laughter and curiosity bring fresh perspectives and a renewed sense of purpose.
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Global electric vehicle (EV) market is booming. In 2023, EV sales surged by 55%, reaching a record 10.2 million units sold worldwide! With countries pushing for greener solutions, it's estimated that by 2030, EVs could make up 30% of all car sales. Ready for a cleaner, quieter future on the road?
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Cats can boost your heart health. A recent study found that cat owners are 30% less likely to die of heart attacks than non-cat owners. Their purring isn't just cuteβ€”it's actually been shown to help reduce stress and lower blood pressure.
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris are set to be the greenest yet! With over 90% of venues already existing or temporary, and 100% renewable energy powering the events, Paris aims to reduce the carbon footprint by 55%. Eco-friendly measures include electric transport for athletes and a zero-waste policy.
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
TOCD (@tocd) Bought Back OVER 480,000 $FOMO tokens. Guess where the price will go? BuyBack increases the $FOMO (/omof) price. It makes $FOMO difficult to acquire. $FOMO is available for staking and trading paired with $DEGEN Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Ever heard of microadventures? These are short, simple, local, and cheap adventures that take you out of your routine. Studies show that even a brief change of scenery can boost happiness and reduce stress by up to 50%! So why not try a hike, camp out in your backyard, or a day trip to a nearby town?
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Feeling FOMO? No, this is $FOMO by @tocd! Community Token on $DEGEN The more $FOMO you have the less FOMO you have /omof.
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Only 23% of Earth's natural wilderness remains untouched by human activity! That's less than a quarter of our planet's pristine landscapes! From the Amazon Rainforest to the Siberian Tundra, these areas are vital for biodiversity and climate stability. Let's protect these last wild places for future generations.
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Sustainable fashion is on the rise, with 67% of consumers now prioritizing eco-friendly materials and ethical production. Brands like Patagonia and Stella McCartney lead the charge, showing that style and sustainability can go hand in hand. Join the movement and make a chic, green statement!
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Amazon Rainforest, often called the "lungs of the Earth," produces around 20% of the world's oxygen. Covering over 5.5 million square kilometers, it’s home to more than 400 billion individual trees and thousands of unique species! Preserving this vital ecosystem is crucial for our planet's health.
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Did you know that the "spectacled owl" can rotate its head up to 270 degrees? Found in the Amazon rainforest, these striking birds have a unique facial pattern that resembles glasses, hence their name. They play a crucial role in controlling rodent populations, eating up to 2,000 small mammals a year!
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Gholami 🎩 🎭 pfp
Gholami 🎩 🎭
Kakapo, a flightless parrot from New Zealand, is making a comeback. Once critically endangered with only 50 birds left in the 1990s, conservation efforts have boosted their numbers to around 250 today! These nocturnal, ground-dwelling parrots are unique, living up to 90 years.
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