SELF LOVE Your self-love must be greater than your desire to be loved, or else you'll always be at the mercies of those who give you that love. They will sense that you need them just to face life, and they will make you their puppet. We tend to love things that we have invested in and beautified. If you want to love yourself, do just that. As long as you need relationships to complete you, you'll always feel like you're not enough. But when you're happy and contented with your life as it is, your relationships will become additions to your happiness rather than an escape from your emptiness. That's right. You get the best relationships when you're not gasping for them like oxygen. Your love life will become a space to blossom and evolve as opposed to reenactment of your unbalanced core. This may be a good time to stop betraying yourself just to be chosen and to take ownership of your own happiness. Some things are too costly to outsource.
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