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Have you ever heard an ancient legend about knitting? Athena was one of the revered goddesses. She gave people wisdom and knowledge, taught them arts and crafts.
Among the craftswomen who wove fabrics as transparent as air, Arachne, the daughter of a fabric dyer, was famous. Arachne became proud of her art and decided to challenge the goddess Athena herself to a competition.
Under the guise of a gray-haired, hunched old woman, the goddess appeared before Arachne and warned the proud woman - you cannot be higher than the gods, strive to surpass only your equals. Arachne did not listen to the wise advice of the old woman. She wove a fabric that was not inferior in beauty to the fabric of the goddess. But in her work, Arachne expressed disrespect and contempt for the gods.
Athena became angry, tore up Arachne's work and hit the girl with a shuttle. Unhappy Arachne committed suicide. Athena saved the proud woman, but turned her into a spider. And since then, the spider Arachne has been forever weaving her web. 3 replies
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