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John Gazzini pfp
John Gazzini
I hate the framing of a "diet." It should be weird to gorge ourselves on junk. But it's so normal that we have a special word for *not* doing that (diet). Is there a good way to flip this? When someone pressures me, I could say "No thanks, I'm not on a junker today." Is that dumb?
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James pfp
I think the difference for most is that you have to give a label to the thing you don’t want to do. Assign it as a task. We have our own, cheat day
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notdevin  pfp
I think it once meant, taking a break from eating light shit. Now I just hear a tool to describe the pattern of eating you’re in. I have more of a problem with people describing their diets in terms of identify, I’m vegan, I’m keto, etc.
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Katherine pfp
I look at it a little differently. I view “diet” as a set of principles for eating. The Mediterranean Diet. Keto diet. Most people do not think this deeply about food or have nutritional principles; the nature of the food makes it easy to overeat. You can just say no 😂 and if pressed, explain ur principles
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Leo 🎩🔵 pfp
Leo 🎩🔵
I just say “not my poison day today”
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Alex Loukissas 🍉 pfp
Alex Loukissas 🍉
A good thing I’ve adopted is to say eg “I’m a carb snob” and avoid eating something unhealthy unless it’s really really good. Eg I’d avoid a crappy croissant from Starbucks but I’d definitely have one from a good bakery.
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