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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Memecoins are X% social engineering and Y% software engineering. What's the split? 90/10? 80/20? 70/30? 60/40? Definitely higher social engineering over software engineering.
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humpty🧠⚡️ pfp
Usually I’d say 80/20 but $Degen has changed the rules. I’d say that’s more like 60/40.
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DenizenJuan.⌐◨-◨ pfp
99% social imo, once the software is stable everyone just replicates In times of true sw innovation, it can change but just for that project/feature, like tipping here on farc
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Lucas Jang🎩 pfp
Lucas Jang🎩
I would say 60/40. A lot of similar platforms are emerging, and the ones with innovative software engineering are getting spotlights.
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Ayomide🎩 🍖🔵🐹 pfp
Ayomide🎩 🍖🔵🐹
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