Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
What did they expect with such a high price tag and what it seems to be very few compelling 3p and even 1p experiences. They just succeeded in giving Meta more energy to push even more with Quest and their OS.
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aron 🍥 pfp
aron 🍥
I think Apple will do its usual play, by the time vision 3 comes out it will be super with amazing UX and some crazy must use apps
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BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑ pfp
BrightFutureGuy 🎩🔮↑
Competition is good 👍 for both of them and for us 🙌
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‎  pfp
I mean are they aware of their pricing?
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m_j_r pfp
I suspect demand hasn't reached its peak. but this couldn't be the same FOMO as the ipod or iphone, since it's not exactly usable in school & similar environments. the price tag only looks viable for cash/credit-flush buyers (who'd max out their credit card for this?)
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‎  pfp
It’s over
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