Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp

Gabriel Ayuso ⌁


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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Am I the only one who finds all these frames coming from seemingly random vercel apps disturbing? Maybe I'm too much of a web purist and appreciate proper domains and websites when I click through. If it's a toy frame that doesn't request any data from me, it's fine. Otherwise, I'm not touching it.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
I'd love to see this sliced by FID buckets. I chose tech. I knew no one in FC so I definitely didn't join for the people. I also liked the fact that it aimed to be a decentralized protocol without tokens, so definitely not for tokens. People is one of the reasons I stay. I also stay despite the recent token mania.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
The magic begins when the backend layer incorporates what happens on the frontend layer into its decisions without human intervention.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Is surfacing an article from 5 months ago a good product decision? This is from Google's discover feed on Pixel.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Brought the kids to watch The Phantom Menace in theaters. I love the visual style and score of the Star Wars prequels even if they're not great overall. I specifically like The Phantom Menace because of Darth Maul and the dual of the fates.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
I guess this goes here?
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
This is awesome. Public infra sucks in the US. That's what I miss the most from my time in Germany.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Server side is the best side
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
What I'm building for Nouns can absolutely be used beyond Nouns. I made this example for Farcaster, mainly to help with design so it doesn't over fit one use case. It helps refactor and make things more flexible.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
What does a product being onchain actually mean? Farcaster is partially onchain since the account system is actually onchain. The content is decentralized but not onchain. Are products whose content is fully centralized but connect to the Farcaster account system considered onchain? I say no. What do you say?
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Bug (for a while, I think I've brought it up before): On Android, I can't use the scrubber on videos. Since they auto play muted I always miss the first few seconds and can't scrub back to watch them.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Here is my @airstack Social Capital Score (SCS) What's the range? What does the distribution look like?
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
When you're just dropping by Blue Bottle on Abbott Kinney and get a parking spot basically in front, on a Saturday.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Back in Venice.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
This reminds me of when crypto people say that the UX isn't that bad and we don't need to hide the complexities. It also reminds me of when web2 people say that creators can have full ownership by building their own website.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
[Next] Make the feed pages much more useful by: - Supporting link previous, embedded casts and multiple image. - Exploring ways to show conversations and combine cast-threads into one.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Seeing this bot content is so weird. To the point where at first you don't think much of it but then when you look at it it just doesn't make any sense.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Quick update: [Data] Fixed time decay function to give more weight to newer casts since older popular casts where stuck at the top. This let some fresh spam in but I'll clean that up. [UI] Improved feed page. [Code] Cleaned up some server and background job code, making it more reusable.
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Auth, Graphs, Feeds and Frames
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Gabriel Ayuso ⌁ pfp
Gabriel Ayuso ⌁
Done. Finally wrote my thoughts after FarCon. It's not exactly what I had in mind initially but it's what came out of me today.
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