Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
The active badge is going away. Spammy accounts are aggressively gaming the system to get the badge. Making the rules stricter just makes it harder for legitimate users. We’re past the point where a simple rule based system will work. We need something better.
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Alex Loukissas 🍉 pfp
Alex Loukissas 🍉
I vote no badge. Why make it a contest in the first place?
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m/branson pfp
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Quelz🎩 ↑ pfp
Quelz🎩 ↑
Makes it easier to distinguish the good from the bad. You know the source is reliable if they have the badge as long as the system gets it right.
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humpty🧠⚡️ pfp
Personally, I see the badge as a reward to incentivize good actions on the platform, app. Why stop at one badge? there should be a general active badge, an impact badge, channel badges, badges that are attested to by close friends, etc.
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