furkanilce1935 pfp
Initial node price: 599U Initial node issuance: 30,000 (a total of 100,000), and the price will increase by $0.8 for each node sold thereafter; First node income: before December 25 Direct node income: 25% of $EPT tokens (total 10 billion), 100% of Fans protocol income Nodes are the fastest way to obtain early token distribution. The fewer nodes there are in the early stage, the higher the income you will get; And at the time of TGE, only node holders have coins to sell, and everyone else actually has no coins, including investors (investors will unlock them after 12 months). Many people may think that E-PAL, like many projects, will lock the warehouse of node holders. Don't worry about this. I have verified that the coins mined by the nodes [are not locked, not discounted], and you can withdraw as much as the system shows. Therefore, the actual payback period is much better than other nodes in the market. If the valuation is 1 billion US dollars, the investment has actually been recovered by the time of TGE.
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