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Dan Romero
A lot of chatter recently about Farcaster, marketing and expanding beyond crypto I have yet to see a crisp definition of: 1. What problem does Farcaster solve for people outside of crypto today? 2. What evidence exists that existing at-scale free social networks and paid creator tools / platforms are insufficient in serving these people? 3. Assuming this population exists, what channel (i.e. tactics) do you market Farcaster to said people? I'm not asking for free work, fwiw. It's our job to figure to this out (we don't have an answer for this question ourselves). But hiring a "marketing team" when you don't have an answer to this question is not going to solve the problem. Marketing works great when you have a clear value prop and target market and channel.
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Michael Pfister
The clearest problem to me is universal identity email is antiquated, cumbersome, and poor ux. there are stories of being locked out of google and icloud. there's an opportunity here for farcaster as protocol to be the new identity layer for the internet (with social graphs built on top). the interoperability with payment rails is a huge plus i agree consumers do not care, which means that you need to focus on selling the protocol to every new social app that is being built out there which is more so getting into tactics, and I don't really have a good idea either
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