welter.eth pfp
gas is preventing Ethereum from being valuable to a mass market, IE. imagine paying $5 to upload your art to Behance or Dribbble, or even paying a $30 gas fee to mint something free
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
This is what everyone was saying about gold, fiat, checks, credit cards, and now Ethereum.
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welter.eth pfp
trying to understand, im talking about similar instances like i said above, it's a different ecosystem, lets say i want to "claim" some NFT for free, some days the transaction might cost $5, and if the network is congested, could be $50+, for something that's free, that doesn't happen with gold/fiat/checks/etc
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
It used to. The txn cost is always something that gets compressed when talking about networks. Visa and Mastercard are a great example of that. Check out TXN fees in the early days. Now can you imagine a world where you don’t pay stuff via a Visa or MC rail? (Debit or credit)
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