Fuhad Ogunyemi
Galxe just cost me the Diamond hand SBT 😠 After all the back and forth with Galxe support for days on the error (1st frame) I'm getting while trying to mint Diamond hand SBT, they finally gave me their final verdict on the issue (2nd frame). I'm really pissed rn. I just hope their ineptitude doesn't cost me other future rewards that comes with the Diamond hand SBT. The points and creds I'm presently missing out on everyday due to it is bad enough 😑 @phaverapp @saska @alitiknazoglu @joonatan.eth @poolboy @tomi
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Well, that sucks! So you were eligible and it gave you a bug, but didn't actually mint it and can't be minted anymore in that wallet? Let me check it 🙏🏻
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Fuhad Ogunyemi
Yes! My Phaver primary wallet was bounded as a secondary wallet on my galxe account. I noticed the NFT would only mint on my galxe primary wallet (which isn't my Phaver primary wallet and the instruction on the campaign advert from Phaver strictly said to mint on phaver primary wallet), so I cancelled it, disconnected the wallet from that galxe account and signed in to galxe using my phaver primary wallet–creating a new account in the process. So whenever I want to claim the NFT there, I get that error. Thank you! I'd really appreciate.
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Can you dm me on on Discord @ pool_boy - add me as friend, I messaged you there.
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