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Fryorcraken pfp
I see SIWE being pushed hard. It's like "hey Meta, you spent time trying to correlate all my identity to build an accurate profile? Let me make it easier for you by using the same identity on every app".
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
I think the point is that we can add privacy. This can include: * Providing an app-specific address for each app * ZK-proving any offchain credentials (eg. proof of personhood) that you want to prove about yourself
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Fryorcraken pfp
I agree with that end goal. I just think we have still a lot to do re wallet UX. Even in Web2 this kind of UX is still clonky (e.g. anonaddy or simple login). I'd prefer if we push for better multi address experience, similar to what Blank wallet was doing I believe, than pushing for people to use one ENS as SSO
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Jason Chaskin pfp
Jason Chaskin
Check out Sismo Connect. Aggregate all of your address plus web2 social accounts in a vault and submit zk proofs proving whatever parts of your identity you want to show at that moment
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OG dad pfp
OG dad
Most services we sign up for want/need to send us updates. The real challenge with using multiple addresses/zk approaches is it doesn't provide for a means for this communication to happen. So we end up also adding an email anyway.
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