fredwilson pfp
Hi Casters. I wrote about a great new resource for founders and operators called The Daily Bolster. My post is live on web3 here
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j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker pfp
j4ck 🥶↑🎩 icebreaker
subscribed, thanks fred!
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JB Rubinovitz  pfp
JB Rubinovitz
Love to see y’all invest in fractional work! Especially at the sr/executive level a fraction of someone’s time can be pivotal to a company.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Summary of Fred's most critical things to get right at Founding (from video within article): 1. "Singular Founder's Vision" (One > Many) 2. "Early Employee Expectations" (Company > You) 3. "Choose the Right Investors" (Fit > Valuation)
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