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Hi Casters. I wrote about my supplement stack today
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↑langchain 🎩
No creatine or K2 for you sir?
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Hey, curious if this article embedded natively or if you used some additional frame? Pretty slick for third-party content compared to X… Also Supp looks interesting. Thanks for sharing!
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kompreni 🅱️ ⚡
Seconding the other person who suggested D3 with K2. There is a company called Sports Research that offers it with a little MCT oil to maximize absorption. Also recommend a low dose Magnesium, as D3 activation uses up Magnesium Be careful supplementing with Zinc, as it can deplete Copper. They compete for absorption.
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big tone 🎩🧾
thanks for sharing - hadn’t heard of supp before, gonna try it!
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Mark McLaughlin
B12 injections calmed down my digestive system issues but it has different impact for different people. The sublingual B12 tablets are fine but for me didn't make much of a difference. B12 defficiency can be hereditary also.
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Colin Charles
Any reason why Supp is region limited? I think this can be useful even outside the USA
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