frazer pfp



85 Following

frazer pfp
Hey Frens. Not a fan of the term ‘Total Economic Value’, find it highly misleading. As currently calculated (+ L2 fees to L1) the metric is more accurately ‘Validator Total Economic Value’. Ethereum still secures an order of magnitude more total economic value. Just my 2 cents, holder of Eth and Sol.
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frazer pfp
Loved the shoutout for ‘The Rest is History’ podcast. Crypto and History Podcasts are where it’s at! ‘Hardcore History’ is another must listen of mine. 🙌
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frazer pfp
lol. Kyle Davies calling out @nic on unchained. So cringe, can’t wait for the Friday Weekly Roundup 😂
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frazer pfp
Frens. Could someone help this pleb understand why Arb fees are roughly 10x OP/Base/Zora right now? Assume this is related to execution stack differences?
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frazer pfp
I forgot about that, thanks for the reminder.
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frazer pfp
Possibly, but it could also be throwing the SEC a bone. SEC could request they remove the staking component from their filing and then both parties meet in the middle for a spot only ETF approval. Basically a neither got what they wanted situation, but the approval still happens. Idk, interesting move either way.
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frazer pfp
Agreed, great episode. Didn’t agreed with a few conclusions, but I always find it valuable learning abut the process difference OGs in the space use.
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frazer pfp
😂. Undoubtedly
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frazer pfp
What happened to the ‘include Eth’ slider? I’m not seeing it on a variety of the dashboards. Thanks
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frazer pfp
Wow. That’s huge.
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frazer pfp
Don’t thinking so. Everything under Empire so far.
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frazer pfp
Really good question. I’m not 100% sure though.
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frazer pfp
Solana and Polygon (which is moving to an Eth L2) seem to have the most.
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frazer pfp
That’s awesome. I’ll have to track down the video.
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frazer pfp
I’m a fan of Akash. They focus more on decentralized GPU capacity that can be used for AI models. So it feels like more of a picks and shovels investment. Rather than most the AI nonsense popping up.
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frazer pfp
40-50% below ATM. Similar to previous halving years.
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frazer pfp
Love the podcast. Been a great resource for leveling up my crypto knowledge during the bear market.
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frazer pfp
Cheers ser.
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frazer pfp
This chart on a live dashboard anywhere?
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frazer pfp
@growthepie. Would something like this be possible for Eth/L2s? Would be a really cool way to visualized different economic zones (OP, Arb, ZKSync, etc.) and bridging happening between them. Maybe even what DA solutions are being used. Big project though.
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