1/While there are many exciting applications of crypto, my core thesis is simple and supported by 100+ years of central bank interventionism. Namely, that the relationship between governments, central banks and their currencies is toxic; prioritizing government power and crony capitalism at the expense of its citizens.
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2/Monetary debasement Will. Never. Stop. The collectivist muppets doing the money printing argue that monetary debasement (inflation) is worth it because of all the βgood thingsβ governments are using that purchasing power for.
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3/The fact that the wealth of the middle class has been torpedoed for decades, while governments have increasingly pushed socialist policies, should be repudiation enough. Rather than a siren cry for more socialism / collectivism, the solution is the opposite; a return to free market principles starting with money.
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4/In the analog age, gold served as the go to store of value to protect against inflation, monetary debasement and confiscation - due to its physical scarcity and bearer asset nature.
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5/In the digital age, digital scarcity like Bitcoin, Ethereum - and potentially others - will become the go to option to escape the financial recklessness of governments and central banks.
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