Forkh pfp



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Forkh pfp
Does anyone have experience building with tRpc ( ? I'm considering it for a monorepo project and would like some feedback from people who have used it. More specifically, did you encounter any issues with it, stuff that couldn't be done with it, or any scaling/performance issues for large projects ?
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Forkh pfp
I once had to solve a 10 step captcha that was hard to solve even for a human. Failed twice and gave up hahaha. I was using a VPN, and most VPN IP addresses have very bad reputation because they are used for spam.
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Forkh pfp
TIL Ash = Satoshi in Japanese 🤯
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Forkh pfp
I have been receiving DMs on x about "Job Offers" from phishy looking accounts lately. I also heard about a scam lately which consists of sending a repo as an interview technical test. The repo contains malware post-install scripts. Imagine the damage if the malware reads all your .env files from all your projects.
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