I'm starting to feel like not everything should be an erc20. But... Erc20s are great tech for ideas in their broadest sense. Most media seems to represent a smaller portion of an idea. One example: artwork -> art project -> artist -> art guild. Which is best represented by an erc20? All can be, but it seems some form of validation is helpful the more specific you get. 1155z is a bit bizarre. Zora's implementation isn't it, and it requires an additional layer of complexity over just 1155 or 20. Perhaps too much friction. I forget where this was going gn lol
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gn ... I was thinking too ... The promise of royalties in NFTs - that was a lie. But trading fees can be like royalties. So strange to think that the solution for people who want royalties could be fungible tokens 😆
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That part is indeed elegant. The biggest blocker for me is no contract structure for organization. Maybe it's not important, or maybe there are work arounds. It's hard to argue against 20 as the most flexible, frictionless standard
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