flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp



35 Following

flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
Hey @Colin, is there a way for me to embed my blog into my personal website? Would be interested in any sort of RSS feed as well if there is one!
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
So Base is DeFi with Training Wheels... So what is Solana? DeFi on methamphetamine? Asking for a friend
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
I'm a big fan of self-hosting email servers locally
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
Happy Caturday fellow Farcasters! Always nice to be here, away from the censored echochamber of Twitter. What are people's favorite things to do on the weekends? Since mid-2022, I've been pretty much full-time in Financial Services, so weekends are typically for catching up on work
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
@flynnthemaestro Congratulations to the Evolved Human Care team and Serenity Shield! This is yuuuuuge!
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
DecentrNet: Bringing Blockchain Technology to the Masses
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
The Alter Network: E2EE Direct Messages, Group Chats, and Much More!
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
Hey everyone! I've been a writer and blogger for a long time, and I've been looking for a safe place to publish my work and monetize it. Is it possible to completely gate access to an article for Premium Subscription? That's pretty much the only advantage Substack had
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
@trigs and I:
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
Woke up feeling pretty wiped out. After a week of overworking and hyperfocusing, at least I have some good ideas for business development for my clients! DecentrNet Alter Network
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
Happy Saturday fellow Casters! Been super busy working with clients, getting things organized for different meetings - lots happening behind the scenes! Looks like I'm also going to be in a very good position to get myself into the RWA space!
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
Public Service Announcement: Coinbase is not your friend. Stop letting friends use Coinbase.
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
@flynnthemaestro… @DecentrNet is a cool way to engage with blockchain technology, from within a familiar interface (Chromium)!
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
@flynnthemaestro (Reshared) but the first-ever article put out under Maestro Research (for blockchain & tradfi) Got a 2nd article scheduled to be published bright and early tomorrow morning! #AlterNetwork #privacy #data #communications #blockchain
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
Good Afternoon fellow Casters? Warped Minds? Am I being corny enough? What do we call ourselves, since this front-end is Warpcast o_O
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
Financial Privacy is a Human Right. Read that again.
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
So to get started with my intro to Warpcast and the general community, I wanted to share the link to my website: We are not a traditional business. We do not seek to enrich ourselves at the expense of others - quite the opposite, actually. We believe in building better bridges; bringing people together and helping facilitate business development and growth. We are Maestro Consulting: Born in the depths of the 2021 market, we seek to: 1) Educate the public: Financial Literacy is a Must 2) Offer our skills for-hire as Services to render for Businesses & Individuals 3) Refer businesses to the services they need, should we be unable to provide them, ourselves 4) Learn from new perspectives
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flynnthemaestro.jkl pfp
After several months of trying to get access to this platform, the good lad from Kleomedes, Trigs, helped me out! I intend on using Warpcast to help share information, promote my work, and network with like-minded individuals! LFG! WAGMI
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