Blinky Stitt pfp

Blinky Stitt


129 Following

Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
chat gpt definitely had some trouble generating the test NFT images
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
on-chain game idea incoming
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
Is there an AI that is more like a librarian than a creative writer? I want to ask questions and have it give feedback and links to actual documents. For example: pointing to the right spot of the rust book would be way more helpful than summarizing an amalgamation of all the docs
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
McPI is a better measure of inflation than CPI. Change my mind.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
Zipp from Astropede made it into a fan-made Sonic cart racer! This little guy has been waiting a long time for people to see him
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
I always forget to add the channel until after I hit the cast button
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
Pretty lights from my mom up in Washington.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
Wow YouTube really sucks now. Such a terrible interaction. And when I clicked the video, it opened an ad in a new page.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
Performing another upgrade on the @neynar public postgres database (and Redash). I'm not sure the exact downtime, but hopefully only minutes.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
We are about to make some hardware upgrades to the Public Postgres server. This will cause a brief (hopefully minutes) downtime with Neynar's Redash and direct db access.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
No chandeliers at Forbes Mill Steakhouse in Los Gatos. But the steaks were great.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
What's up with websites prompting for username and password on separate pages? What security does that add? All it seems to do is add the annoyance of having to scan my face/finger twice for my password manager.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
The analytics database was offline for a few hours. Not sure why it died yet, but it's back online now. I will be looking into why later today. Sorry for the flat part on your graphs.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
@flashprofits.eth Super early. Should have cast more and lurked less.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
Do the cards change as our follows and likes change, or are they fixed once they are minted?
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
minted my /farcards
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
I made the blinkies prettier.
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Blinky Stitt pfp
Blinky Stitt
We @neynar just made some load balancer changes to hopefully improve If you have any problems using grpc with us (especially ones that started ~1 hour ago), please let us know.
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