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Well, as far as getting your minerals and vitamins: you'd want to prioritize fish, red meat and leafy greens.
So I used to make a spinach shake that I would have daily. Spinach will help you get most of the benefits of veggies without needing to go hard on variety. Mind you, This is a stop-gap measure and not ideal, but you can get most of the benefit from veggies by having blended up spinach daily.
For the meat side of things, you should prize cold water fatty-fish such as salmon #1. You can get EPA/DHA, copper, zinc etc from cold water fatty fish. These things are essential for brain health.
If you can't get regularly access to fish, try to have fish 2-3 times a week. Other meals should be red meat. You want to prioritize Beef and lamb here.
Don't go for lean cuts. They're less nutrient rich than the fatty cuts and organ meat.
When I'm doing competition prep, my diet includes salmon 5 times a week, and spinach daily for the benefits outlined above.
Let me know if you have questions. 0 reply
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