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fitnessinfo pfp
케이블 시티드 로우는 등을 타겟으로 하는 머신 운동입니다 바벨로우와 유사하지만 머신을 이용하여 조금 더 고립을 할수 있고 코어나 하체 의존도를 줄이고 등을 집중적으로 타겟할수 있습니다.. The cable seated row is a machine exercise that targets the back. It is similar to the barbell row but allows for more isolation by using the machine, reducing reliance on the core and lower body and focusing more on the back.
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fitnessinfo pfp
팩댁 플라이는 대흉근을 타겟으로 하는 운동입니다. 취향에 따라 다르지만 , 선피로로 가슴 근육을 먼저 활성화 시키기에 좋습니다. 이러한 이유로 가슴운동의 첫 종목으로 팩댁플라이를 채택하는 경우가 매우 많습니다. The pec deck fly is an exercise that targets the pectoral muscles. Depending on personal preference, it is good for pre-exhausting and activating the chest muscles first. For this reason, many people choose the pec deck fly as the first exercise in their chest workout.
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fitnessinfo pfp
레그익스텐션은 대퇴사두를 고립하여 단련할수 있는 머신 운동입니다 단관절 고립 운동이지만 대퇴사두의 특성상 고중량을 다룰수 있으며 , 대퇴사두의 볼륨을 키우는 최고의 운동중 하나입니다 Leg extension is a machine exercise that isolates and trains the quadriceps. Although it is a single-joint isolation exercise, you can handle heavy weights due to the characteristics of the quadriceps, making it one of the best exercises for increasing the volume of the quadriceps.
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fitnessinfo pfp
바벨로우는 등 전체를 강화해주는 최고의 운동중 하나입니다. 데드리프트만큼은 아니지만 고중량을 다룰수 있는 운동중 하나이기에 등을 전체적으로 두껍게 만들어 줍니다 그립의 종류와 넓이에 따라 타겟 부위가 달라집니다. The barbell row is one of the best exercises for strengthening the entire back. Although not as intense as the deadlift, it is one of the exercises that allows you to handle heavy weights, which helps thicken the back overall. The target area changes depending on the type and width of the grip.
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fitnessinfo pfp
풀업을 하기 어렵다면 어시스트 풀업을 해보세요 ! 머신이 없다면 밴드로 대체하는 것도 좋은 방법입니다. 상체 전체를 단련할수 있으며 특히 등을 전체적으로 강화하는데 도움이 됩니다. 많은 보디빌더들이 등운동을 하나만 해야한다면 풀업을 한다고 할정도로 좋은 운동입니다. If pull-ups are difficult, try assisted pull-ups! If a machine is not available, using a band is a good alternative. Pull-ups work the entire upper body and are especially effective for strengthening the back. Many bodybuilders say that if they had to choose just one back exercise, they would choose pull-ups. That’s how beneficial this exercise is.
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fitnessinfo pfp
Smith machine incline bench press It primarily targets the upper chest and strengthens the entire pectoral muscle. Using the Smith machine makes it easier to perform until the point of failure, and developing the upper chest improves the overall appearance of the chest. Recently, it seems like more people are doing incline bench presses using the Smith machine rather than the flat bench press. What do you think?
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fitnessinfo pfp
Advantages of the Hack Squat: - Compared to free squats, the hack squat activates the core and upper body muscles less, allowing for greater focus on the lower body. - As a machine exercise, it places less strain on heavy weights and provides stability due to the pads on the back.
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fitnessinfo pfp
gm farcaster , I provide information on health and fitness.
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