Fital719🎭 pfp



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Fital719🎭 pfp
We're currently in internal testing ... I just won 51 $DEGEN in Gate of Degen! @degengate
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Fital719🎭 pfp
Masks are especially beneficial for protecting vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions, from respiratory infections. 🎭
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Fital719🎭 pfp
Masks help reduce the transmission of respiratory viruses, including the flu and the common cold, by blocking respiratory droplets that contain viruses. 🎭
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Fital719🎭 pfp
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Fital719🎭 pfp
In many cultures, masks are integral to rituals and ceremonies. For example, in African traditions, masks are used in dances and rituals to represent spirits, ancestors, and deities. Similarly, Native American tribes use masks in rituals to connect with the spiritual world. 🎭 🎭 🎭
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Fital719🎭 pfp
In modern times, masks have become crucial for protection, especially in medical settings. Surgical masks and N95 respirators are used to prevent the spread of infections and protect wearers from airborne particles. 🎭
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Fital719🎭 pfp
Masks have deep roots in various cultures and traditions. For instance, in African and Oceanic cultures, masks are used in rituals and ceremonies to represent deities, spirits, or ancestors. In ancient Greek theater, actors wore masks to portray different characters and convey emotions. 🎭 🎭
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Fital719🎭 pfp
The widespread use of disposable masks has raised environmental concerns due to the increase in medical waste. Many disposable masks are not biodegradable and contribute to pollution.
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Fital719🎭 pfp
There has been a significant economic impact on industries involved in the production and sale of masks. This includes increased demand for medical masks, cloth masks, and other personal protective equipment.
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Fital719🎭 pfp
Good ventilation in indoor spaces works with masks to lower the concentration of airborne pathogens. Immunization reduces the overall spread of disease, enhancing the protective effect of masks.
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Fital719🎭 pfp
Another chance to grab the $egg nft mint for a multiplier boost /arbitrum
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Fital719🎭 pfp
Many contemporary artists use masks as a medium to explore themes of identity, anonymity, and transformation. Masks allow artists to experiment with different forms and materials, creating powerful visual statements. 🎭
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Fital719🎭 pfp
$egg being the first social-fi on arbitrum sure looks like the beginning of a new meta on arb
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Fital719🎭 pfp
The β€œMoretta muta,” an oval mask worn by women during the Carnival of Venice, is unique because it has no straps. Women would hold the mask to their faces with a button clenched between their teeth.
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Fital719🎭 pfp
During the COVID-19 pandemic, masks became a critical tool for reducing transmission. Beyond their practical uses, masks also hold cultural and symbolic significance in many societies, featuring prominently in festivals, theater, and religious ceremonies. Mask really impacts a lot
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Fital719🎭 pfp
Wagmi people $egg on arboreum is here to dominate. You can still get the secondary nft if you missed mint
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Fital719🎭 pfp
Masks have been used for various purposes throughout history, ranging from ceremonial and cultural uses to medical and protective applications. In recent times, masks have become widely recognized for their role in public health, particularly in preventing the spread of infectious diseases like COVID-19.
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Fital719🎭 pfp
Definitely outside with my Goggles all onchain summer /nouns /nouns-draws
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Fital719🎭 pfp
In service industries, masks can relieve workers from the pressure of maintaining a constant friendly facial expression, thus relieving emotional labour. Masks can offer a respite from societal expectations related to grooming and appearance, allowing individuals to save time and reduce stress.
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Fital719🎭 pfp
This is how I'm gonna pull up to all onchain summer irl eventsπŸ•ΆοΈ /nouns-draws /nouns
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