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Rob Sanchez pfp
Rob Sanchez
if you are using @paybot and the bot doesn't reply or the frame doesn't load instantly, feel free to dm/tag me and I'll post your frame manually. the underlying problem is that the farcaster hub is having issues digesting casts from other hubs (growing pains)
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yo rob! love paybot so far. it’s great for someone who has little to play with for native degen tipping. i’ve got the 50 degen button installed. is there a way to preset a couple custom amounts yet? or something for the future? @paybot 500 $degen
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Rob Sanchez pfp
Rob Sanchez
thats awesome to hear, appreciate that! we'll make a v2 of the button with custom amount and more tokens, was just an initial version on launch as we are working on another feature atm
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