Ferran πŸ’ pfp

Ferran πŸ’


651 Following

Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Three more codes for alfafrens: oIl3QN LrTL4q FQEGeq
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Issue: I created a Farcaster acc with Nook using my own personal wallet (also linked w/ @ferran) and I assigned to it a handle that I wanted to use for a project. Is there a possibility to delete that acc (and avoid conflict with my personal acc) and reclaim the handle in another account? cc/ @horsefacts.eth @dwr.eth
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
What a good life he has
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈYou can only reply to this cast with a channel you think is underfollowed. I'll start: πŸ’€ /anthropology
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
In favour!
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Idea to decide the next Farcon location, once there are solid proposals: To run a token-based poll for Farcon 2023 & Farcon 2024 NFT Pass holders using Farcaster.vote. 1 NFT = 1 Vote (a.k.a. 1 vote per conference you have participated) cc/ @ted @cameron @grin
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
πŸ”₯ We've just rolled out an upgrade on Farcaster.vote that will enable communities to boost participation by seeing who has voted and who hasn't yet on a DAO vote! This is the first step on the road to even more features, like sending individual reminders to voters or incentives for voting with rewards. Stay tuned!
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
πŸ’―Net neutrality is one of the most important aspects of the internet and any open protocol. (That's also why I always say thst Starlink, or an oligopoly of satellite internet companies, seems like a threat to humanity to me)
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Hey yo! I set up an account using Nook, but I can't update the profile picture nor username. Also, I'm having trouble locating the seed phrase for the account.
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Fuckin lovin the new Farcaster.vote logo!
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Oh my... that's truly a shame! If an anthropologist in the future studies our society, this certainly will give them lots of info about how our society was structured.
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Friendly reminder that this obsession with productivity is a peculiar cultural artifact and a fetish of industrial and information age societies. It's def not the only way to live. Being unproductive isn't just the other side of productivity. It’s possible to reject the entire spectrum of productivity values.
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Fun facts: The term Boycott comes from Charles Boycott https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Boycott The term Lynching comes from Charles Lynch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Lynch_(judge)
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
If you don’t hate airports, you’re a psycho.
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
I have this weird habit of checking the internet a few times each year for the latest info on the North Sentinel Island and its -almost- uncontacted inhabitants. Articles, satellite images, books, anything.
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
At Far(away)con, whenever I introduced myself, I get tons of people reacting like: - Oh, you're the guy with the head on fire. + Yep, that’s me, still figuring out where are the extinguishers!
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
That moment when you realize you've picked the right Vietnamese restaurant.
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
So grateful you dedicate time and effort to put together so many farcasters! Looking forward to see what Far(away)con can become in the future ❀️ Thanks @jayme, @sandiforward, @sarahakwisombe, @tudorizer, @oxb for such a topnotchs organization!
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Alex has been doing an incredible job building one of the most valuable and vivid Farcaster communities (I still don't know where he gets so much energy from!). But I’m glad that Farcaster.vote is contributing a small part to make it happen! β€οΈπŸ—³οΈπŸ”
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Ferran πŸ’ pfp
Ferran πŸ’
Building on Farcaster @ Far(away)con w/ @manan @polmaire.eth @tudor Moderated by @sarahakwisombe
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