Ajulo Oluwafemi Miracle
The word of the Lord according to the book of 2 Chronicles Chapter 32 vs 14 says *"Who of all the gods of these nations that my predecessors destroyed has been able to save his people from me? How then can your god deliver you from my hand?"* Lord, here is our status in this nation, we've been mocked with You in our lives but our faith and trust doesn't wither in You. Therefore, unto this we came before you in one accord as a nation and pray that this independence gives us the real freedom from yokes and captivities we found ourselves in by sin, world, devil and men (Amen). Welcome to October, the 10th calendar month of the year 2024. Happy new month, happy independence. Don't forget to share and bring deals with/to us regarding automobiles for this independence month, tell a friend to also tell a friend what we do at *St_Alatio*. Good morning to you and your household, God bless Nigeria.
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