nybble pfp



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nybble pfp
picked up my first @grantyun2! first one on /solana - pretty amazing!
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nybble pfp
Is this... real? Can a gen zer tell me about this preference? WHAT
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nybble pfp
if an app puts a badge on its icon with a number of alerts and then: 1. doesn't make it immediately obvious when clicking in what exactly all the alerts are and/or 2. doesn't give me "clear all messages" functionality i am endlessly frustrated.
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nybble pfp
someone needs to make notification infra for dapp notifs coming to farcaster accounts with linked sol addys
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nybble pfp
todd mcfarlane on drip? i named my first professional computer a mcfarlane villain. this is crazy https://x.com/drip_haus/status/1779557179936137723
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nybble pfp
I'm joining /voyagers on their journey April 16th
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nybble pfp
this eclipse is going amazing!! 🌑
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nybble pfp
that was pretty crazy, felt it all the way out here in williamsburg
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nybble pfp
wen firedancer?
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nybble pfp
williamsburg, where the choice is between meh and ok pho. meh today
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nybble pfp
found my kid checking her bags just before leaving for school (in her 4th grade stock market game) 💰💰😅
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nybble pfp
i make espresso and end up with a lot of grounds - does anyone do anything with these? I thought about just dumping them periodically into some planters, but then maybe that's not the right move. :) Would love advice if anyone does something fertlizery with their used espresso grounds
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nybble pfp
got out there today, such a nice day!
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nybble pfp
be careful out there today. reports that wallets are getting drained. early reports that it was bonkbot but they’re saying it’s more widespread https://x.com/solanafloor/status/1773662216945844390
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nybble pfp
what else is there in the wallet/defi portfolio tracking world besides step finance for solana? I'm addicted to zerion in evm and realizing I want this for solana too
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nybble pfp
my peach tree had a near death experience last season, but for season 3 things are looking good! 🍑
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nybble pfp
went to an all day mtg at my partner’s, found out we didn’t have it, heard a guy talking about farcaster while waiting, had coffee number *2* and caught up with my partner anyway then rode my bike home no gloves. life is good
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nybble pfp
does rabbit use AI to respond to support emails? i just emailed them to ask what batch number I was at and the response (with the answer) came basically at the same time as the auto-responder with the ticket info. it was impressive
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nybble pfp
i started messing around on base recently, had no idea what to do and bought some $aero and $toshi, because i used aerodrome and toshi seemed to be the meme. turns out it's fun to mess around in a bull market! anything else I should be looking at from a more informed perspective?
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nybble pfp
anyone see these? i saw one locked by my gym and it blew my mind a little - the downtube breaks and swivels out and you use the seatpost as the lock? madness i say! https://yerka.store/collections/yerka-v4
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