Felilade pfp
@felilade We've been dating for three months. Our relationship is only getting stronger every day. I was getting hopeful about the seriousness of our intentions, we made plans, the guy hinted at cohabitation. He looked after me, said that he loved me, often saw and walked in different places. Only after a while I found out that at the beginning of the relationship, when he went to his hometown for a month, he communicated with another girl, wrote her compliments, wrote in social networks, as a pattern of the same words that and me, the same us called. He is 29 years old, I am 24, and this girl is younger than me. They went out twice, had drinks together and kissed, nothing more. Now he apologizes, admits his guilt, says he loves me very much, asks me to give him a chance. #life #history #interesting
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