Fred Ehrsam pfp
Fred Ehrsam
2 weeks ago I tried an experiment in bounty based research. Could a $1k @bountycaster bounty successfully solve a research question? TL;DR: Bounty-based research worked pretty well!
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Fred Ehrsam pfp
Fred Ehrsam
The question: Will stablecoins become the largest holders of US debt?
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Jeremy Batchelder pfp
Jeremy Batchelder
Thanks @fehrsam! Was a fun project and also learned a lot
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Darryl Yeo 🛠️ pfp
Darryl Yeo 🛠️
@bountycaster FTW
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justin vogel 🦁 pfp
justin vogel 🦁
I just posted my own bounty for growth research — wish me luck!
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