F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp

F. Dilek Yurdakul


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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
This is what I need; to be in a warm and peaceful place like this ☀️💚🧡❤️
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Time to announce today's winners🔥 Thanks all for joining, and huge congratulations to🎉🥂🌷 @chepadenis @ozlem @slvku
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
ITAP of joy Once upon a time, my daughter and my cat… They were beautiful memories I cherish. Thankfully, there are photos that keep our memories alive. Btw be careful with the tongue of my little cat 😻
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Once upon a time, when I was in Dubai… Everything was surreal, and I was lucky enough to see this dystopic city in fog.
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
TOCD (@tocd) Bought Back OVER 270,000 $FOMO tokens. Guess where the price will go? BuyBack increases the $FOMO (/omof) price. It makes $FOMO difficult to acquire. $FOMO is available for staking and trading paired with $DEGEN Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
One of my photographs was taken in Lake Tuz when the water turned pink(What gives Lake Tuz its pink color is a kind of seaweed called "Dunaliella salina," one-thousandth the size of a pinnacle.), earned me a nomination for the Best Female Photographer of the Year in the Sony World Photography Awards. 🤍🩷🤍
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Everywhere is foggy. We are trying our best, but I guess none of us know the correct answer. But LFG and let's try to enjoy and keep supporting each other
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Gm fam🧚‍♂️ Wishing you all a serene day🩷🤍
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Gm everybody🧚‍♂️ Allowance goes down every day. It's hard to survive, but LFG, so Let's start today's art share. I will choose the best 3 and everyone will get 50 DEGEN 🔥 Tagging your friends, sharing, and following is not a must but appreciated for sure🎊 Enjoy🎉🥂
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Art is a way of screaming pain. Fifteen people raped a 13-year-old girl, and the child's skirt length is shown as a defense by the lawyer in court today! Terrible in every way! Sometimes, living in a country like this takes my breath. And I am forcing myself to focus on my art to escape these things.
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
One of the most challenging things in photography is taking good-looking photos from horrid, dirty, messy places. Wish me luck🍀 I am going shooting again if people keep their word today.
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Do you sometimes postpone conversations because you are afraid of the negative response you will receive? This is what I've been doing since the morning, but now I'm going to look for courage🤞🏻 A foggy Dubai owned by @zachlipp
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Gm reployers have a blast day 💚🧡
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
ITAP of seasonal workers' children in their tent. And I asked them to show me which is their favorite toy 😀 She came with this 😀 Once Annie Leibovitz said “A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people.” Have a joyful day.
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Gn fam🌙 A photo from rice fields in Turkey. Let's wake up to a day that will help us to reach out goals 🧚‍♂️
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Time to announce the winners. 1st place winner is @fringuo 2nd place winner is @with-dani69 3rd place winner is @deftony Thanks to everyone, and congrats to all the winners. See you tomorrow.
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Behind all success, you can’t imagine how many hard times, disappointments, tired days, tears, falls, and standing up again. Today was a day I fell all deeply. Thank God I am still alive. A photo from my co-education photo project
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Wishing you all a great day
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
GM fam🧚‍♂️ Shooting day so I will not be active till night Allowance can be going down but life goes on and also art share event💃🏻 1st place 100 DEGEN🔥 2nd place 75 DEGEN🔥 3rd place 50 DEGEN🔥 Tagging your friends, sharing, and following is not a must but appreciated for sure🎊 Enjoy🎉🥂
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F. Dilek Yurdakul pfp
F. Dilek Yurdakul
Photography is seeing things differently and putting your signature in every photo you shoot.🔥
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