Fatem pfp



2500 Following

Fatem pfp
Cute cartoon birthday gift small desk lamp SE10474
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144 reactions

Fatem pfp
i paid $300 for this text book are you reading it for the articles?
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102 reactions

Fatem pfp
Love it 😍 Two Tone Filament Tube Bulb By Glitterville
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227 reactions

Fatem pfp
Just minted on Zora βœ“ Who bought it ??😍
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238 reactions

Fatem pfp
Ethereum co-founder Vitalik buterin says there are "people a full decade younger" than him now taking leading roles in crypto and beyond!
1 reply
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128 reactions

Fatem pfp
"hands full of blessings can't hold no grudge" βœ…
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228 reactions

Fatem pfp
Wow 😳 Maria Osama Khan virsa Jahan ara Magnificent design 😍
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95 reactions

Fatem pfp
my lovely bubble Glass cup😍
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208 reactions

Fatem pfp
Why doesn't anyone talk about it being so unpractical because the earphones doesn't charge!πŸ˜•
5 replies
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186 reactions

Fatem pfp
"ASTRAL TRAVEL" It has beautiful colours πŸ‘Œ I printed it and buy a frame for it to put on the My room wall πŸ™‚
1 reply
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147 reactions

Fatem pfp
" Meet Alpha, fashion designer and art director based in NY documenting his garment development process.."
2 replies
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50 reactions

Fatem pfp
" MOCA LIVE: The collaboration Revival, Did" Fantastic πŸ€”πŸ‘Œ
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108 reactions

Fatem pfp
Adding this to my collection ☺️ My always favorite stuffs βœ‹
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13 reactions

Fatem pfp
The way with this lamp it'd give me the motivation to stay up and study 😁
6 replies
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106 reactions

Fatem pfp
Love this work very much ❀️... Is so tonic and joyful πŸ₯° What you think πŸ’¬
7 replies
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120 reactions

Fatem pfp
When you think you been working for 4 Hours and it's only been 17 minutes !☺️
3 replies
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131 reactions

Fatem pfp
Oh, guys! Don't miss it. Just discovered $FOMO Airdrop just for staking $FOMO by @tocd. Min. Stake amount is 12 $FOMO (~$0.1). Definitely worth checking this out. Do you want to get bigger? Take 10,000 $FOMO on Uniswap and claim it instantly. Buy $FOMO on Uniswap: https://theoldcastle.xyz/buy_fomo 10000 $FOMO!
12 replies
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13 reactions

Fatem pfp
Coming soon.... " Me be like "
3 replies
2 recasts
132 reactions

Fatem pfp
TOCD (@tocd) Bought Back OVER 270,000 $FOMO tokens. Guess where the price will go? BuyBack increases the $FOMO (/omof) price. It makes $FOMO difficult to acquire. $FOMO is available for staking and trading paired with $DEGEN Share this cast and receive 30,000 $FOMO Tip allowance
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7 reactions

Fatem pfp
Therapist: You're so angry. You need to get in touch your inner child . πŸ‘‡ My inner child πŸ—Ώ
5 replies
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119 reactions