What if the fed just keeps pumping interests rates even if it breaks regional banks, shepherding depositors to SIBs who can take the hikes and in preparation for eventual transition to CBDC? 🤔
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Cc @dwr.eth Balaji is trying to explain a version of this in @moz . I’m ex IB and other (admittedly Orange pilled) ex SIB bankers have confirmed they think this is the obvious intent
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And yeah flight to SIB for anything more than you need to pay bills is a bad bad move gonna come back to haunt people at some point. I’m not even shilling BTC if don’t like BTC then real estate or something tangible. Imagine you’re in Argentina or Cyprus or even worse China and move accordingly
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Risk w BTC is the path to 1m is through $3k as generational shocks get absorbed, like with Covid, before ripping up so gotta be careful. A house on the other hand is higher friction but at least people can use it
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Also the average person is not going to be the marginal mover in a scenario where usd tanks. Not that in necessarily agree it’s likely but if it happens big money will figure it out first. Like with SVB. The average punter was probably the last to withdraw and would have gotten rekt we’re it not for BTFP
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Dan Romero
Get concrete. If $1 trillion in M2 moves into Bitcoin in the next 90 days: 1. Who is moving it? 2. What % of their balance sheet are they moving? 3. How are they paying for operational expenses?
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