Farchiver 🌌 pfp

Farchiver 🌌


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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
update: all Farcaster users can sign in at https://farchiver.xyz - now using SIWF powered by @dynamic - used to be whitelist only - we don't see your wallet details, IP address, or even FID - only see an anonymized User ID - code is FOSS + pentested
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
farchiver.xyz is the easiest way to save your activity on Farcaster. A recent episode of GM Farcaster had a great discussion around the topic of storage. We minted 10 and will send 9 NFT episodes to users with connected addresses who ask (in public or private). Listen here first: warpcast.com/artlu/0x01d85f16
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
πŸ™ Thank you to our wonderful customers, for your patience and support. Backlog cleared, everyone should have their fresh Farchives! Let us know if you see anything amiss. We are back to ~24 hour turnaround time. It had ballooned to ~1 week with all the network growth issues. Should be back to normal-ish for now.
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
farchiver.xyz frontend is now public + OS. Built on @warpcastadmin.eth's template, @dynamic wallet & Cloudflare. back end has gotten more $ + harder to build w/o iterating through earlier, simpler versions. We will hold subscription at 0.01 ETH until all Early Birds are claimed, then price will increase to 0.03 ETH
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
Join the live chat on @unlonely ! /gmfarcaster is giving away 3 subs this week (value: 0.02 ETH) which include 4 downloadable snapshots of every thread in which you've cast or replied. Everyone in the chat today has been whitelisted for the subscriber section. Enter -> Connect Wallet (gasless signature) farchiver.xyz
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
Why Farchiver paragraph.xyz/@farchiver/why-farchiver-part-1-of-4
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
πŸ‘‹ Graph View appreciatooors. Last two weeks of cast history for one caster. Purple dots are accounts, white dots are casts, yellow dots are casts in /degen
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
one-click subscribe to my @paragraph newsletter https://paragraph.xyz/@farchiver (new one-click feature by @colin, works if you have a connected address)
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
Farchiver is the easiest way to save your activity on Farcaster! Your Farchive includes: - all your root casts, recasts, and qasts - the full conversation of any thread in which you replied, or provided conversational liquidity - snapshot of all your followers - PFPs + bios of all your follows 1/2
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
Read about Farchiver on @paragraph! Four-part series begins here https://warpcast.com/paragraph/0x26910441
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
Congrats to @dynamic for creating an astounding product. Farchiver is now protected with the safest and simplest sign-in flow in Web3, and well-equipped for future use cases! farchiver.xyz/uses warpcast.com/itai/0x824a404b
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
Followers, your wallets are whitelisted to explore the Farchive. farchiver.xyz -> ORDER -> *Connect wallet* (no signatures or on-chain actions required) You'll see download links for any farchives you've requested, as well as farchives shared with you by others. Subscribe at paragraph.xyz/@farchiver for updates!
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
@farchiver the easiest way to save your Farcaster activity! one-time shill-tagging participants in this epic thread: https://warpcast.com/pushix/0xe915c7bc Your wallets are whitelisted to explore the Farchive. https://farchiver.xyz -> ORDER -> *Connect wallet* (no signatures or on-chain actions required)
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
cc: f/Launchcaster https://warpcast.com/farchiver/0x391f5bfe
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
check us out at artlu.xyz/farchiver
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
Sometimes the viz develops differently. Purple dots for users, white for casts. https://warpcast.com/kmacb.eth/0xdac4d8e5
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
Early Bird Discounts: first 20 FIDs get 50% off also giving out 10 free trials: - give me your FID and your timezone (for timestamps) - you get last 2 weeks of data - make sure you replied on a large thread to see the power of visualization (e.g., an AMA or a viral thread) https://warpcast.com/farchiver/0x2800be79
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
sharing some public cast histories in Markdown, downloadable to investigate on your own machine: - dwr.eth's November so far, including wowow - vitalik.eth's last month https://artlu99.github.io/public-farchive/
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Farchiver 🌌 pfp
Farchiver 🌌
The Farcaster protocol represents verifiable live state. Old casts are pruned after 1yr, likes after 3mos, PFP bio's & linked addresses are whatever the owner set last. But ... I like/expect/need to save my social media activity! HAVE NO FEAR, FARCHIVER IS HERE
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