Josh Stark pfp
Josh Stark
I think of "users don't care about decentralization" as being similar to "consumers don't care about what's in their food"
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borodutch @ lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ lunchbreak
but.... evidently they don't? like, you eat meat, right? that's a proven way to increase cancer chances and you still eat meat because you don't care?
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Josh Stark pfp
Josh Stark
I mostly don’t eat meat. But I think any number of metrics would demonstrate that over the last 30 years, a larger and larger share of people have begun to appreciate the consequences of their diets and make more intentional choices.
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Royal pfp
Lemme peep that research chief, want to educate myself some
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Kaimi ⬆🎩  pfp
Kaimi ⬆🎩
conclusive evidence only on processed meat I think
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