Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
A reminder that if the US doesn’t reduce spending, inflation will be high for the foreseeable future. None of the sources of income are likely to increase significantly so need to reduce spending
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
All these pension funds that are buying long-term bonds are going to be underwater. Also thinking that the US is going to be fine because there are no better ways to save money is nonsense. Numbers don’t lie, foreigners are becoming sellers and not buyers of treasuries
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
What would they buy instead? For one, they would buy Gold. That’s what Russia and China have been doing. The US weaponizing the financial system to go after Russia was a shot in its own foot
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
Here is a more clear picture of what’s happening with China:
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
Another possible scenario is to buy American tech stocks. That’s what the SNB has been buying. That’s what happened in the CARES act scare. A lot of entities were selling treasuries and buying American tech stocks.
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
The last possibility is to buy bitcoin. That’s what El Salvador has been doing. I think this is the most novel approach and probably the smartest.
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Giuliano Giacaglia pfp
Giuliano Giacaglia
The US needs to figure out a path forward or the state and the dollar will not be in great shape! Stop spending!
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borodutch @ lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ lunchbreak
so, how many usd did you short so far? @remindme 1 year
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RemindMe pfp
👋 @borodutch you asked me to remind you about this cast in 1 year 🫡
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borodutch @ lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ lunchbreak
@giu when will the dollar fall? It's been a year and it only got stronger
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