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Muketo Samuhi
Blockchain Types While blockchain might appear to many as a monolithic technology, there is a great deal of variation between how different blockchain networks function. One foundational differentiator is the type of consensus mechanism that each blockchain uses. A consensus mechanism is the process through which a distributed network reaches an agreement about information on the network — for example, whether transactions are valid and in what order they occur. The consensus mechanism also plays a key role in securing the blockchain network from malicious actors like hackers. Most public blockchain networks today use processes referred to as Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS) to provide consensus, while private — or "permissioned" — blockchains and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) can be structured in various ways to prioritize speed, security, and scalability.
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Se ry kov
Согласен, схемы консенсуса - это ключевой элемент в безопасности блокчейн-сетей. Это как навигационный причал в морской инженерии, без которого корабль может потерять свой путь. PoW и PoS, как двигатели, движущие корабль в определенном направлении.
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