Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp

Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona


163 Following

Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Quick advice! Always be with ur masks.
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
"Build engineers are the master builders of the digital world, crafting the infrastructure that connects us all. They turn code into castles, and their work is the foundation of our digital lives." This comment highlights the important role that build engineers play in creating the digital systems and infrastructure that we rely on every day. It recognizes their skill and expertise in building the digital world, and the impact their work has on our daily lives.
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Regen to the moon!!!!
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Sometimes, the things that trap us are the very things that keep us safe. But it's up to us to recognize when it's time to break free and fly." This comment suggests that being trapped can be a double-edged sword - it can provide a sense of security and comfort, but it can also limit our potential and prevent us from growing. It encourages us to reflect on our situations and make conscious choices about when to hold on and when to let go.
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
We're currently in internal testing ... I just won 170 $DEGEN in Gate of Degen! @degengate
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
"Masks are not meant to conceal, but to reveal the beauty within."
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Fire is the test of gold; adversity is the test of strong men." - Martha Graham This quote suggests that just as fire can purify and strengthen gold, challenges and difficulties can refine and strengthen individuals.
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39 reactions

Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Regen Blockchain is a revolutionary platform that combines blockchain technology with regenerative economics, prioritizing environmental and social sustainability. It aims to: - Reward eco-friendly practices - Promote carbon sequestration - Support biodiversity conservation - Foster community engagement - Encourage decentralized decision-making By aligning financial incentives with regenerative values, Regen Blockchain seeks to create a more resilient and thriving planet for all.
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37 reactions

Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Bananas are nature's candy! Sweet, creamy, and bursting with flavor, they're the perfect snack to brighten up your day. Whether enjoyed on their own, added to oatmeal or yogurt, or blended into a smoothie, bananas are a delicious and nutritious treat that's hard to resist."
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Here we're!!!
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Mask Network is like a digital disguise for your online activity. It lets you encrypt and share content securely, kind of like wearing a mask at a masquerade ball 🎭. It's all about privacy and security in the digital world!!!
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Shehu Shagari road Sokoto @checkin
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
A trap network is like a spider's web for catching cyber baddies! πŸ•ΈοΈ It's a system of decoy resources designed to lure in and detect unauthorized access or malicious activity. Think of it as a high-tech mousetrap for cyber intruders!
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Regen Network is a blockchain platform focused on ecological regeneration and sustainable agriculture. It uses blockchain technology to create transparent and traceable supply chains for regenerative products. It's like the superhero of sustainability, fighting for a greener planet! 🌱
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Local masks can be beneficial because they are often made with ingredients that are easily accessible and tailored to specific skin needs. Plus, supporting local businesses is always a win-win!
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Fried bananas are a popular snack in many cultures. They're made by coating banana slices in batter and then frying them until they're golden and crispy. 🍌πŸ”₯
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Free Berf Airdrop
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Free Berf Airdrop
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Here's a quote about being trapped: "The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what other people think." β€” David Goggins This quote suggests that often, the biggest obstacle to our freedom and happiness is our own fear of what others might think or say. It encourages us to break free from the trap of societal expectations and live authentically.
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Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona  pfp
Shafiu Shuaibu Marnona
Here are some benefits of eating a banana daily: 1. Rich in potassium: Bananas are a good source of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining healthy blood pressure and promoting bone health. 2. Good source of fiber: Bananas are high in dietary fiber, which can help regulate bowel movements and support healthy digestion. 3. Antioxidant properties: Bananas contain antioxidants, such as vitamin C and phenolic compounds, that can help protect the body against free radicals and oxidative stress.
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