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evmBrahmin pfp
Seen a lot about svelt here and it has me really curious but am hesitant because a lot of the libraries I currently use are react focused Is this a valid concern or can it be mostly worked around at this point?
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Steve pfp
Valid concern indeed. Investing in a framework takes a lot of time and energy, and the usual payoff is the greater network of resources you tap into. Resources being other libraries (web3 ones seem to have a strong preference for React) and developers (either potential contributors or coworkers). 1/2
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netop://ウエハ pfp
You can probably find Svelte equivalents or make a more focused library yourself within Svelte. I've been using it for years with much joy.
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Darryl Yeo 🛠️ pfp
Darryl Yeo 🛠️
Half the React “ecosystem” is really just wrapping regular JavaScript things in React hooks or filling in the void resulting from its lack of first-party styling solutions. With Svelte you have the entire vanilla HTML/CSS/JavaScript ecosystem at your disposal, because adapting them is trivial.
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