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EulerLagrange.eth pfp
I’m convinced crypto is still pre-PMF. I know it’s odd to use “PMF” to describe an entire industry. I still think it’s true though. My evidence for this is there are more protocols than products. Esp products that solve problems for people.
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Bastien pfp
Can you explain PMF?
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Thomas pfp
Laser was a solution looking for a problem for a couple of decades, and then its adoption went vertical. We’re 15 years since BTC, I’m hoping for the same
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mike perhats pfp
mike perhats
A lot of solutions in search of problems in crypto
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Chaos 🎩 pfp
Chaos 🎩
Yes, for crypto to achieve PMF, there needs to be a stronger emphasis on developing products that solve real-world problems and provide tangible benefits to people. However, the development of products faces several challenges, such as regulatory uncertainty, technological limitations, security and usability barriers.
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Chris Carlson pfp
Chris Carlson
If “unregulated casino” counts, then false. If not, then true.
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