Ethereum Degen pfp

Ethereum Degen


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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Bitcoin halvening on 4/20 got em like
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Our governments are failing us
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Twitter will start charging a small fee to tweet to combat bots Warpcast about to MOON
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
There are only 69 of these mfer nyan prototypes You could get one for $10 this morning but now the price is $30 Study mfers
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
These mfers are really giving us a lower entry again
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Some people complain Some people suck it up and play the game
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
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6 reactions

Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
In 2-4 years, we will be trading NFTs on L2 and L3 networks and using GWEI as the base currency as its annoying to use so many zeroes for a price 🤫
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Anyone else have this happen? I had an allowance daily of like 700 now it is 0
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Who is part of the dev team for degen? I found a bug. I had an allowance then i added a second wallet to my farcaster acct and now my allowance is zero . Help please asap
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
You can be depressed and nihilist about the state of the economy and elite corruption but the fact that a kid who invested in fuckcoolpussy token is outtrading hedgefunds is glorious
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Using BASE feels like 2016 ethereum where deploying a contract was $1 in gas and the feeling was the calm before the storm
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Okay this is insane If you pool on uniswap on mainnet it costs $100 to set up the pool Do it on BASE and it costs 50 cents Anyone else seeing this as a massive game changer or just me …. ?
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Twitter was costing me $4/mo Farcaster paying me $400/mo Guess which one i prefer
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
1$ degen is programmed in
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
This momentum doesnt stop until a trillion dollar fund blows up catastrophically Keep bidding
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Ethereum Degen pfp
Ethereum Degen
Tell me how corrupt the US govt is being rn in one cast… go
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