Here are the 4 steps to get started building in Ethereum, a guest thread by @patrickalphac 1. Understand why 2. Take a course, learn the tools 3. Apply your knowledge 4. Continue to learn & build Let's unpack this so you can become a monster developer or security researcher πŸ‘‡
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1. Understand why When things get tough, this is what you'll fall back on to keep going. Be brutally honest, why do you want this? - "To build the future of finance" - "A more fair, decentralized, accountable world" - "I want a better life, and want to be paid well" Be honest.
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2. Take a course - learn the tools The fastest way to onboard to Ethereum is with a course. There are tons of great places to learn blockchain: - Cyfrin Updraft (I help run the curriculum here!) - @austingriffith's SpeedRunEthereum - CryptoZombies game And many more.
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Then, get good at the top tools, like: - Solidity (a programming language) - Foundry (a tooling framework) - OpenZeppelin contracts (a standard solidity library) If you're familiar with coding in javascript, you can try Hardhat, or Vyper and Moccasin if you like Python!
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The course you take should forge you into an Ethereum fundamentals monster. The best part about these tools is that most AIs are well-versed in Ethereum, so use them to help you learn. But be sure to understand so that you can correct them when they get something wrong!
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3. Apply your knowledge BUT YOU'RE JUST GETTING WARMED UP. In order to keep your knowledge and to get even better, you have to start applying your knowledge. - You will think you're not good enough. - You will be confused. - You will be nervous. Break through, and build.
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Building is how we achieve great things, and it's how you learn even more. There are plenty of ways to do this: - Build your own project - Join a hackathon - Join a competitive audit - Find "good first issues" on Ethereum-based GitHub repos and make pull requests
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Some of the top hackathons and competitive audits (that happen regularly and are free to partake!) - @ethglobal - @devfolio - codehawks - @code4rena - @ethereumdenver - Which is happening February 23 - March 2, 2025 both online and in person! It’s a great place to meet people!
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If you join a hackathon or a competitive audit, you can even win money just by learning! Join these events with the goal of learning, don't even focus on the money, but make sure you submit no matter what. Just keep building. Ask questions. Make posts. Keep going.
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Your goal here is to build build build build build, which will make you learn learn learn learn learn. And the thing is, you'll never stop learning. So keep going.
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4. And then finally, continue: - Every single person in Ethereum learns something new every day; you will, too. - Don't be afraid to experiment. Don't be afraid to ask questions. - Now, if you're looking to get hired, and make the career jump, here are a few final tips πŸ‘‡
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For developers: Prove you know what you're doing. - Have you contributed to big projects on GitHub? - Have you made a badass project/protocol? - What have you DONE - prove you can make outstanding things. This is why, when you're building, post everything on GitHub.
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For security researchers: Prove you know what you're doing too! - What bugs have you found? - Have you competed on competitive audit platforms? (May I recommend my favorite, CodeHawks) - How about bug bounties like @immunefi? - Make things more secure, and you'll break in.
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So, now you know how to get started. What are you waiting for? We are looking forward to seeing you on Ethereum!
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Have you met @clanker?
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