S·G 🎩  pfp
S·G 🎩
🧱 Understanding BRICKS: Brick by Brick 🧱 Over 100 BRICKS minted with 50+ holders! Dive into our vision and grow with us. Each member fortifies our foundation. In this thread, we'll outline the steps to build BRICKS together. Ready to lay your brick? 🧵👇
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S·G 🎩  pfp
S·G 🎩
1/10 🧱 Read Before Use: Dive into our onchain article to grasp the heart of "Creativity in Multiplayer Mode". This #Brand3 experiment is open for a limited time, welcoming all creators eager to join and co-create. Don't miss out! https://mirror.xyz/esdotge.eth/vTUMAJ7M5vHcvXcuuWiPnpHtTCx7TrS7iNjN5gFXVBA
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chandresh 🪴 pfp
chandresh 🪴
where's the link to figma?
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