S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp

S·G 🎩 🥚


1487 Following

S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
A change of typeface — Microsoft’s new default font has arrived… microsoft.design/articles/a-cha…
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
Reminder: Last 24 hours to collect the first official Degen NFT in history... 🎩 https://zora.co/collect/base:0x8c40034e0aedf431ccfd774b5a8e8955387dd8d4/1
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
2024 — The Warpcast Revolution…
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
For the price of a Big Mac, you can buy a Big Warp and get this ODA* limited edition artwork. Plus, your health will thank you, and remember, don't feed your ego... 🍔 https://zora.co/collect/base:0x62c728ac963d79607953acdf387dea1abc4de557/3
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
The IRL Power Badge are ready to reunite with their owners... Who do you recognize here? 👀
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
Our design ideas for /poidh are now a reality... Thank you so much @kenny for having us on your team!!! Let's keep building together!!! 🕹️
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
GMinted my /farcards!!!
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
It seems like we've been shadow banned on FLOC for a few weeks... 😢 We don't know how to proceed after being here for so long building, and with Farcon right around the corner... Could someone help us??? @dwr.eth @v
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
Typetopia — Just your type of illustration, logos, typography, art, branding, graphic design and more... https://www.threads.net/@typetopia
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
* THE UNITED STATES OF FARCASTER * —————————————————————
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
Higher Motion Graphics for the Community…
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
@floc.eth has something ready for everyone at FarCon... We want to meet you all!!! 😊
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
SOFI … https://zora.co/collect/base:0x62c728ac963d79607953acdf387dea1abc4de557/2?referrer=0x3Cc1A943B27c2AF7c6dcF3Be0137f66c2f22E712
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
GM!!! Preparation week and final touches. If you want a Degen sticker by the logo designer... 🎩 Find me at /farcon!!!🌴
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
Music Monday!!! 🙌 The previous playlist gave problems when sharing. And now you can collaborate!!! If you want to participate, ask me for the link by DM!!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1En3jQmFUTMMZXlbP8soeS?si=Tw9t0RW0TBWJVYj6v-03ag&pi=e-WlxV1lpESrCL
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
At Textual by Arilla Type — A typeface that draws inspiration from the texture, readability, and honest utilitarianism of monospaced fonts, but reinvents itself to provide a fluid and dynamic text experience… https://arillatype.studio/font/at-textual
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
Now that everything is fixed... What if we tips our Degens with our Frens??? 🎩 https://zora.co/collect/base:0x62c728ac963d79607953acdf387dea1abc4de557/1
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
“We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth.” — John Perry Barlow
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
ONE /degen on /farcon by /floc … 🟪
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S·G 🎩 🥚 pfp
S·G 🎩 🥚
Sunday Motivation!!! 🌅 Creating a collaborative Farcon Vibes playlist. What songs would you include??? Send me a DM and I'll send you the link to collaborate!!! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/08gbrDm9FSdZLxdsfxwiVu?si=r4Rw_XJ4SIiBmbBOsmFzFw&pi=e-dn9cKls1RDi5
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