Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp

Erreur 🔵✴️


280 Following

Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Salut les baguettes, comment ça va ? 🥖 Les nouvelles restrictions sur les pourboires en DEGEN ont mis un petit coup de frein à la plateforme. Vous avez maintenu votre activité du mois dernier ? Perso, je dois bien avouer que non, et quand je viens je m'ennuie un peu
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Hi there! Does anyone have any resources or tips for coding a Wrapper for ERC-721 tokens?
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
GM replyguys! I was on vacation for two weeks, glad to be back
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Hey Is there a channel for complaining? It would suit me perfectly today
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Was hyped by this action but this bot that teases you in public is starting to get annoying. I'm mainly a replyor, so yes, my casts aren't exactly sought-after, but that's not my aim What are we going to have to do? Constantly clean up our profile to keep the bot happy? It's getting on my nerves lol
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Hi replyguys, I'm taking the train right now and discovering the new priority ordering of replies. Honestly, what do you think about it?
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Don't mint the NFT, be careful: this is a scam impersonating a real project. No one has heard of any warpcast-related events on the project's official telegram. The username on warpcast is zhaolu, whereas on X the official username is basedbento. Basedbento is still available here, so why not take it? More below
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Don't mint the NFT, be careful: this is a scam impersonating a real project. No one has heard of any warpcast-related events on the project's official telegram. The username on warpcast is zhaolu, whereas on X the official username is basedbento. Basedbento is still available here, so why not take it? More below.
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Am I the only one who's unhappy with the new notifications tab? It's easier for me to miss replies to my casts, and I have the impression that people are interacting less with their non-followers too
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Replyguys, my boy @agnoscere has just landed on the purple app Don't hesitate to say hello to him, let's make him forget X and the emptiness that reigns there
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
A big and warm farcaster welcome to my boy @agnoscere He just got here, we need to make him understand that X is ancient history
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
BM 🔵
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Congrats on your 5k!! 10k soon
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Firstly, you've been through corrections before and you'll go through more in the future Secondly, don't forget that you're early on Farcaster
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
What the hell are the devs doing? Why has red become the main colour? The characters are going to start freaking out. Is there a patch planned?
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
I am now early on starcaster, let's go!
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
BM 🔵
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Framedl 2024-04-09 2/6 ⬜🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 First time in two attempts for me, let's go!!
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
I was so busy /donothing that I didn't even know there was an eclipse, thank you replyguys!
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Erreur 🔵✴️ pfp
Erreur 🔵✴️
Impersonating a real project, be careful
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