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ng | 🎩 widgets mint live! ↑ pfp
ng | 🎩 widgets mint live! ↑
Made a frame platform to token gate access to a video/stream easily. You can create a frame for your video at Live example, where to access the video you need to be the owner of "Noun I am" NFT:
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Boona 🎩 pfp
Boona 🎩
This is amazing!! Question, where can I find the video id? Is this just the random numbers & letters in a YT url?
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ng | 🎩 widgets mint live! ↑ pfp
ng | 🎩 widgets mint live! ↑
This works only with atm. When you upload any video or create a stream, they issue you a "Playback ID" - that's what you need.
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eric pfp
Hi @iamng - we’d love to support you with streaming credits for Livepeer Studio, so you can add a video upload option / make it easier for users. Feel free to ping me via dm!
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