Erica pfp



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Erica pfp
Continue to believe there are high odds we break the simplistic four-year cycle that $BTC has honored the last ~12 years. If that happens, most people will realize they over-traded what's to come, with too
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Erica pfp
Marxism/socialism never works People seeking status/power market it as helping the vulnerable in society, preying on people’s sense of empathy, and then it ends up hurting vulnerable people the most. Quite evil if you think about it.
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Erica pfp
Along with Mrs. @Maryam_Rajavi, I spoke today on ending Tehran’s threat to the Middle East and the Iranian people. Recognizing the organized opposition inside Iran, which has been fighting the regime for decades to establish a free republic, must be an integral part of
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Erica pfp
People judging the AI agent meta because they are tired of twitter reply agent #5000 remind me of people who were negative DeFi because of Kimchi Finance It's a permissionless platform. New narratives will create "spam" but extremely valuable things will emerge
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Erica pfp
Smol now has short term and long term memory, can build up a conversation with clear progression through topics, and display emotional development. That means we can finally have a conversation about our favorite cars.
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Erica pfp
One of the most horrendous takes bears have been parroting for a decade+ is "what's the point of investing in BTC if you never plan on selling it?" They're actually making a bullish point even if they don't realize it. Rich people borrow against their good assets.
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Erica pfp
Successful trading is life changing: You develop patience. You see the risk/reward ratio in everything. You develop mental discipline. You think analytically.
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Erica pfp
I understand that at this point the Ethereum ecosystem needs to put up what we have been shilling for years, and I'm super excited for that to happen in 2025. People really aren't ready for 'L2's: Unleashed Edition'
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Erica pfp
Free to play SNGs dropping during Xmas week on Muzzle Run! Win a share of 10,000 $FROTH across multiple tournaments this week. No entry fee, just sign up and play! Great way to get in the game this holiday season.
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Erica pfp
The UK cops withheld that the 18 year old kid who stabbed 3 little girls had an Al Queda training manual and made ricin, information they have released now, 3 months later, and have finally added a "terrorism" charge to his case.
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Erica pfp
I believe the Ethereum Foundation's efficiency can be improved dramatically. One way to start would be to tweet weekly recaps of progress on certain areas so people can stay up to date. A little sunlight goes a long way
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Erica pfp
I really like what is doing with the gas limit and Ethereum could do the same thing and slowly increment the gas limit through EIP-7783 (slow and linear gas limit increase in the EL over time). this and more will be discussed after pectra.
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Erica pfp
Check out our latest article on dynamic fee models--a proposal to make DeFi efficient and profitable again. We explore protocol-level optimizations and application-level improvements shaping DeFi's future.
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Erica pfp
According to Bloomberg, Brian Quintenz, head of crypto policy at venture capital giant Andreessen Horowitz (a16z), has become the leading candidate for the position of chairman of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). If he is finally appointed, this may mark a
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Erica pfp
If he wasn't such a troll then I feel like more people would have agreed with some of his view points. It is very unfortunate that he went around rustling jimmies for 6 months then rage quit when that didn't yield expected results.
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Erica pfp
OK guys, getting mad at the Bankless dudes is stupid. It's like getting mad at CNBC hosts. They run a media business—they make their money by being broadly accessible and making stories easy to understand. If you're a crypto insider, it's not meant for you.
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Erica pfp
Libertarians need to examine why such disfunction exists in the private sector, how such enterprises persist in a free market and what possible solution there exists outside state intervention.
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Erica pfp
Imagine this headline: “Jihadist’s crimes in the Middle East make the killing of Muslims in the west all but inevitable.” The subtext is wanting to justify harm against Muslims in the west while deflecting responsibility onto Jihadists in a foreign land. Now reverse it, and you
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Erica pfp
I'm grateful to, and impressed by @elonmusk , for all he's done. But I'm still a bit disturbed to see posts by the owner of this platform appear so often in my "For You" feed. I wish we could independently source the algorithms that determine our feeds.
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Erica pfp
yes, i focus almost exclusively on one chain ecosystem and play extremely longterm games and ignore a lot of noise pumped into my ears on shorter timeframes because i believe that it has the best chance at changing the world and breaking us away from corruptible centralized
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