borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak pfp
borodutch @ farcon & lunchbreak
gm, fun fact: 50%-80% of people do not have inner monologue if you have a "voice" in your head — you're "abnormal"
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Eli pfp
My friend who doesn’t have an internal monologue is really observant of his surroundings, especially audio He’s always mentioning stuff he overhead in convos of ppl around him that I never catch–I wonder if the monologue has anything to do with it
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Phil Cockfield pfp
Phil Cockfield
This is fascinating - not running (or exclusively sitting behind) an inner linguistic process is perhaps closer to the "mindfullness" stance of meditation. And your friend is perhaps more directly experiencing the reality of his surroundings, not the next layer, or low-pass filtering of turning it into story.
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